Monday, June 25, 2012

Introductory Thoughts

The quote from Glickman in the Introduction was "The theory of professional empowerment is that when given collective responsibility to make educational decisions in an information-rich environment, educators will work harder and smarter on behalf of their clients: students and parents."  Let's hear comments on "professional empowerment" and "collective responsibility".  What are your perceptions of what these terms mean and what are attitudes toward them?


  1. Professional empowerment puts the ball in our court and gives us the confidence to make changes that will make a difference for our students. I think teachers can make more changes when they feel as though they are retaining control of their classroom instead of being told what they should do. Teachers need to change at their own pace so they don't get discouraged and give-up.

  2. Exactly, Mrs. Sticker, Our school is made up of many different teachers, hence many different personalities and teaching styles. I believe that the same goals can be met, with each teacher not having to give up or loose his/her identity in the classroom. Teachers are going to change differently....hence; patience, understanding, and trust.

  3. I agree with both of the previous comments. If peer coaching begins on a voluntary basis, fewer teachers may view it as one more thing we have to do. We all want some control, especially when it comes to what's best for our own students. We have different needs and goals. Professional empowerment lets us choose to do what we believe to be best for our situation. Some teachers are more open to change than others. I have experienced the benefits of of peer coaching as explicated in the book and on a more informal basis. As more groups of teachers try it, I think that the hesitant teachers will want to try it when they see how beneficial it can be.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Excellent points! I think the idea of maintaining individuality and participating in such a program is the best of both worlds. Teachers can learn from each other in an experience way, gain ideas and motivation, all while maintaining individual style and control.
